Third update!

The third update is ready! We are now at version a0.04.

The first thing I implemented since last update, is a series of scenes to present the current state of the game. It's made up of both a welcoming screen that explains what the game is and all the new content added in the last update, and a pop-up which is displayed when you've seen all of the content available in the game. You can't see it when playing, but this new system saves a list of all the main events that you've triggered, in the chronological order. So it's possible to see the exacts steps you followed during your playthrough.

I worked on two new rooms (the first one being a close-up scene) :

Both are empty for now, and just add up to the locations you can explore, I'll complete them later.

I wanted to improve the cursor hovering system, to let players identify more clearly what can actually be done.  I already have created a set a cursor animations to indicate the type of action available, and I just added in this update a highlighting system. When hovering a possible action, an item you can take, or a passage you can use, the area is highlighted.  As I played older versions, I found this implementation very useful.

I also changed the menu layout, so that the "QUIT" button can't be mixed up with the button that closes the menu.

Finally, I finished some prototyping of the lever buffet room (found in the blue "maintenance" room), which now has some gameplay (very little for now ^^

Have fun!

Files 67 MB
Oct 31, 2020 67 MB
Oct 31, 2020 66 MB
Oct 31, 2020

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